After downloading the new iTunes 10, I hated the new iTunes 10 icon as much as the next person. So when I saw a retweet of Chris Carlozzi’s first attempt on Dribble I thought a viable alternative was pretty close.
After another day of waiting for Chris to release something, and perhaps not looking hard enough for a download link, I got impatient and saved out the icon myself. Unfortunately it’s made from the 300×300 preview on Dribble (Chris did a pretty killer version 2), so the icon is not crisp above that resolution. A small sacrifice given how crappy Apples version is.
Full credit goes to Chris Carlozzi (Web / Dribble / Twitter), I just used Icon Composer in OS X to save it out.

Preview of the iTunes 10 alternative icon for Mac OS X
Instructions to use:
- Sorry, lost this download 🙁
- Get CandyBar (from Panic) and install
- Drag the icon you just downloaded and unziped into CandyBar
- Click “Applications” in Candy Bar and drag the new iTunes icon onto iTunes in Candy Bar
- Click “Apply Icons”
- You might need a re-start or log-out/log-in to see it in action
- Enjoy a fancy new iTunes icon