Facebook Mail gets turned on

This morning I had the experience of having Facebook turn the new messaging functionality on my account. When there were rumours of Facebook revamping their messages functionality there were some that said Facebook were aiming to go up against GMAIL. So I guess it’s a pretty big deal.

My main concern so far with Facebook is the sheer volume of messages that have started to come through. Now if someone starts an instant chat to me while I am offline, a message appears in my inbox. I am sensing the inbox might get clogged pretty quick.

If you are still waiting on Facebook to turn this on in your account you can take a little preview of the process below.

Facebook Mail Turns on - Step 1

You are welcomed with a whited out lightbox with a little popup telling you something is new

Facebook Mail Turns on - Step 2

You claim your public email address. Facebook automatically matches it to your username if you set one

Facebook Mail Turns on - Step 3

Just screen just confirms you’re up and running

Facebook Mail Turns on - Step 4

Not sure if this is a good idea, but part of the process involves activating text notifications. The country drop down is preselected, I just had to choose my carrier.

Facebook Mail Turns on - Step 5

All done

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About Nicholas

I love helping people and solving problems. I am currently working on:
A Cape Town Fibre ISP – Atomic Access
Borderless Blockchain Mobile Network Operator – World Mobile
From England and currently living in Cape Town, South Africa.
Learn more about Nicholas.