Kurt Geiger Website (Summer 2013)

I’ve worked with Kurt Geiger since 2010 developing their digital assets. This design is the 4th iteration of the Magento eCommerce website for their 2013 Summer Collection launch. This seasons design was iterative and meant to polish and improve on various user experience elements of the site and introduce the new seasonal feel.

Responsibilities include:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Design
  • Project Management
  • Mobile strategy and design
  • Campaign content development
  • Client Service
  • Insight Reporting (monthly)

View the website here: www.kurtgeiger.co.za

Summer 2013 Homepage Design

Outfit Page Design
Catalogue Landing Page


Nicholas Soper's Website 😎

About Nicholas

I love helping people and solving problems. I am currently working on:
A Cape Town Fibre ISP – Atomic Access
Borderless Blockchain Mobile Network Operator – World Mobile
From England and currently living in Cape Town, South Africa.
Learn more about Nicholas.