Fontera Responsive WordPress Website

I started the marketing department at Fontera together with Steve Jones. My responsibilities include managing digital marketing services, leading and managing the design team, insights and looking for innovative opportunities and solutions. But in the beginning the priority saw with  optimising new and existing projects. The first project that needed attention was Fontera’s corporate website. […]

Incredible Connection Going The Extra Mile

Incredible Connection are going the extra mile, or at least appearing to, on social media with this interesting social media tactic. They are one of the brands that appear to be making the valuable connection between their digital ecosystem and their retail stores. This is important because retailers with brick and mortar stores are bricking it […]

Ceres 30s Animatic


I was briefed by Ceres Fruit Juices to create a 30 second animation to promote their 200ml packs as great lunchbox additions. The video was used nationwide in trade outlets. 200ml Animatic from Nicholas Soper on Vimeo.

Heavy Chef of December 2012 – eCommerce

The last Heavy Chef talk for 2012 was centred around eCommerce in South Africa and the Heavy Chef team had managed to rope in some of the local heavyweights to share their insights and thoughts. The speakers were Kate Jansen of Zando, Jenna Bloch of Kalahari and Andrew Smith of Yuppie Chef. I’ve jotted down […]

Selling a used car online in South Africa

Buying a car in South Africa is not easy, the choice is limited and cars cost much more than the equivalent model Europe or America. So when it came to selling cars I wasn’t sure what the story was going to be. Years ago, before the internet started being a thing, you had to place […]

Superdry Cape Town Store Launch

On the 18th of October I was SUPER excited (to use Superdry’s language) to read that there was going to be a Superdry pop-up store opening on the 1st of November in the V&A. Given I work in the online retail space, I went straight into iCal and diarised 09h00 on the 1st of November […]

Moleskin Evernote Notebooks

I was reading on PopScoop that Moleskine and Evernote have teamed up to introduce a new product on the border between an iconic notebook and modern technology. The idea is you can use your smartphone to take a snapshot taken with the Evernote’s App, then handwritten words and sketches found inside the new Evernote Smart Notebook can easily […]

Call Centres and Social Media

Being a consumer in South Africa and having to contact a call centre normally leaves one feeling anxious. 99% of the time you’re not going to get what you want. Here is one example that happened to me today with an inbound sales call centre environment. I go to the Travel Insurance Companies website, I […]

Social Media Management – not as glamorous as you think

I don’t run the 5Rooms Facebook page, but they do a fantastic job. Then again, they have to do a fantastic job, they are a digital retailer. This screen grab is an example of the extremely time consuming nature of social media management. Every questions gets answered, even ones where the answer is staring the […]

Career Assessments

When I was 13 (or the 3rd year in the English system) I did a “career assessment” and based on the outcome of that test I had to write an assignment on a job that was tailored to my psychological and academic profile. The test results came back and I was told I would be […]