Great Ad for Ford’s Park Assist

Reminiscent ofΒ that award winning Honda Accord advert, Ford’s Park Assist ad is a great idea that has been executed really well. It ties together stuff doing the domino thing, and cute (but really smart) animals doing cute and clever stuff, to eventually parallel park a car. So easy πŸ™‚

Ceres Juice WordPress Website

The Ceres Juice company desperately needed a fresh new website that allowed consumers and distributors from South Africa and around the world to learn about their brand and see their products online. The project was built in WordPress and was designed to showcase the Ceres product range and benefits as well as infuse the feeling […]

Dream Makers Microsite

Alexander Forbes rebranded and wanted to run an internal campaign to promote the new brand identity to the thousands of individuals based in South Africa, England, Europe and Africa. The campaign was called Dream Makers and allowed employees, all over the world, to share their dream by uploading a photo as well as browse through […]

Mobile advertising in SA to double

I work a lot in the mobile space and there is currently a boom happening in South Africa – brands are scrambling to go mobile. This is excellent as far as making brands accessible to many more South Africans without desktop internet access (which represents a huge number). As service providers we need to play […]

Facebook Mail gets turned on

This morning I had the experience of having Facebook turn the new messaging functionality on my account. When there were rumours of Facebook revamping their messages functionality there were some that said Facebook were aiming to go up against GMAIL. So I guess it’s a pretty big deal. My main concern so far with Facebook […]

Sally Hansen Mobisite Concept

Sally Hansen Mobile Prototype

I designed and built a mobile website prototype for Sally Hansen South Africa to show how they could leverage the rapidly growing mobile market in South Africa to promote products and a good brand experience. Some of the fun features were the mobile manicure tool which allowed customers to build a view of how their […]

Latest Facebook Page Template in a Layered Photoshop Doc

If you are in need of a new template to design your Facebook pages then look no further. I spent a few minutes putting together a proper layered photoshop document of the latest Facebook page layout. Go ahead and download it.

Desktop Speaker Debate

I’m in the market for some desktop speakers. I did some research and found a few interesting products.

3D Video Mapping Projection

This might be a little old, but I just got sent this video of Samsung’s 3D projection onto a building in the Netherlands. It’s quite an interesting application of projection into a 3D surface, and they really went the whole hog on integrating social media and location based apps. Below is the video and below […]

Hi-Tec on Facebook

Hi-Tec seem to be doing it right with Social Media. Take a read about their latest Facebook app.