Reminiscent ofΒ that award winning Honda Accord advert, Ford’s Park Assist ad is a great idea that has been executed really well. It ties together stuff doing the domino thing, and cute (but really smart) animals doing cute and clever stuff, to eventually parallel park a car. So easy π
Mobile advertising in SA to double
I work a lot in the mobile space and there is currently a boom happening in South Africa – brands are scrambling to go mobile. This is excellent as far as making brands accessible to many more South Africans without desktop internet access (which represents a huge number). As service providers we need to play […]
Facebook Mail gets turned on
This morning I had the experience of having Facebook turn the new messaging functionality on my account. When there were rumours of Facebook revamping their messages functionality there were some that said Facebook were aiming to go up against GMAIL. So I guess it’s a pretty big deal. My main concern so far with Facebook […]
3D Video Mapping Projection
This might be a little old, but I just got sent this video of Samsung’s 3D projection onto a building in the Netherlands. It’s quite an interesting application of projection into a 3D surface, and they really went the whole hog on integrating social media and location based apps. Below is the video and below […]
Living in the Future
I was buzzing through the news today, and it seems we are living in the future. So I stopped what I was doing and started blogging it (which according to Paul Boutin is apparently very old school and ancient history). We’ve got robots that look insanely like real people, scientists think they have figure out […]
Ambi Pur Augmented Reality
Ambi Pur went the extra mile to add value to shoppers experience by using Augmented Reality for an in-store activation. I wrote a post about Augmented Reality a while back questioning whether the platform is being used as a gimmick are adding utility and I feel this is a good example of how the technology […]